Monday, 12 October 2009


Surprized by the fact
That the black serpent
With  raised hood and fuming
Did not bite,
But looked straight in to my eyes
In the gesture of questioning....

I asked -
Why, O black cobra, you spare me?
Are you out of venom or lost your poison teeth?

He did not answer, did not move...

I looked deeply into his eyes
And spoke
The man of the day had stolen the venom
And had grafted poison teeth in his mouth

O my dear!
As I fear the Man of the day may bite you up!!

(C) Ashok Kumar Pandey,Noida (India)1988-2009

1 comment:

  1. अशोक जी ,
    नमस्कार ....आपकी टिप्पणी ने मेरी हौसलाफजाई की है .....आप सब कैसे हैं ? संगीता दी कैसी हैं ?
